Best Biceps Exercises

Discover the best biceps exercises to help you build strength and definition. Find comprehensive guides and tips for each exercise to maximize your gains.

Nurudeen perform biceps exercise: barbell biceps curl

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  1. Barbell Curls: A classic curl performed with a barbell, lifting it toward your shoulders, targeting the biceps.
  2. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: A curl variation where you hold dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing each other), emphasizing the brachialis and forearms.
  3. Concentration Curls: A single-arm curl where you sit and brace your elbow against your inner thigh, isolating the biceps for a strong contraction.
  4. Preacher Curls: Performed on a preacher bench, curling a barbell or dumbbell upward, focusing on the biceps with minimal shoulder involvement.
  5. Cable Curls: A curl variation using a cable machine, providing constant tension throughout the movement and targeting the biceps.
  6. EZ Bar Curls: A curl done with an EZ bar, which has a curved grip to reduce wrist strain and better target the biceps.
  7. Incline Dumbbell Curls: Performed on an incline bench, this curl variation emphasizes the stretch and engagement of the biceps.
  8. Reverse Curls: A curl performed with an overhand grip (palms facing down), targeting the brachioradialis and forearms.
  9. Zottman Curls: A curl combining a standard curl on the way up and a reverse curl on the way down, engaging both the biceps and forearms.
  10. Chin-Ups: A bodyweight exercise with an underhand grip, where you pull yourself up to a bar, heavily activating the biceps and upper back.
  11. Resistance Band Curls: A bicep curl using resistance bands, providing variable tension throughout the curl.
  12. Spider Curls: A curl performed while lying face down on an incline bench, isolating the biceps with minimal shoulder involvement.
  13. Cross-Body Hammer Curls: A hammer curl variation where you curl the dumbbell across your body toward the opposite shoulder, focusing on the brachialis and forearms.
  14. Drag Curls: A curl where you lift the barbell by “dragging” it up along your torso, emphasizing the biceps peak.
  15. Overhead Cable Curls: Performed with a cable machine, where you curl with your arms in an overhead position, maximizing biceps engagement.

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